The basic difference between transistor inverter power supply and high frequency variable frequency power supply
From the aspect of appearance, the size and weight of the transistor inverter are also large and medium, and the high-frequency inverter has the same small power and light weight. From the material point of view, the main components used in the transistor are the low-frequency transistor components, and the transformer is isolated and output. There are two main transformers, one input, one output, completely isolated; it is often said that the linear power supply; high-frequency inverter uses high-frequency switching components, the machine has only one output transformer, and is not completely isolated; Third, the output frequency of the THD of the transistor inverter is low: ≤0.3-0.5%, and the harmonic distortion of the high-frequency inverter is usually less than 2%. We hope that we can help you in the final selection!
Transistor inverter is generally used for LED lighting power supply testing, tape recorders, audio amplifiers, switching power supply SPS computer power EMI / EMC experiments, mainly to consider low harmonic distortion. Its power is generally relatively small, 500VA-2KVA, while the high frequency variable frequency power supply is mostly produced by adopting IGBT to produce, it can make the output power to be bigger, and the stand-alone can reach about 200KVA, which is not realized by the transistor inverter. As a result, most home appliance manufacturing and life test houses use high-frequency variable-frequency power supplies, mostly three-phase input single-phase output models. Usually based on 5KVA--100KVA.